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2 pencilIf you think you need to devote an entire spare room to your home office, think again! As office equipment continues to reduce in size, home owners are discovering that they can downgrade their office space to a minimum of square footage. If you want to enjoy the benefits of a home office but don’t want to dedicate a large amount of space for the purpose, consider how the following ideas can help you create a functional office in a small area of your home.

Under-the-Stairs Office

If you have space beneath your stairs, consider asking us to help you create an office niche complete with the electrical outlets and lighting features you need. Small shelves or even a built in counter will fit easily in this type of space. In this way, you can make the most of space that is typically unused.

Living Room Corner

Even a formal room can accommodate a traditional desk without raising any eyebrows. Consider installing an armoire-style desk in a corner of your room. Even a traditional flat-top desk will not look out of place when kept clear. You can sit down with your laptop whenever you need to work from home.

Kitchen Nook

A small office in a kitchen corner can be a great home asset. We can install a small counter in a corner or between a wall and cabinetry to accommodate a computer or laptop station. In fact, a space can even be created under-counter or overhead cabinetry to store a printer and other office supplies. For people who spend lots of time in the kitchen, this type of work station can support adults and even kids and their homework.

Closet Office

If you can devote a large closet to the purpose of creating an office, you might find that this is truly a handy way to open and close your door to 3 computerswork. A compact closet office can be outfitted with overhead shelves and a built in desk top. We can also install adequate lighting and electrical outlets to create the workstation you need.

With our help, you can install a compact office in a minimum amount of space. Custom features will allow you to tailor your office to you precise needs. If you enjoy working from home, consider these ideas as you plan your new office space. It may take some ingenuity to create an office in a small niche, but we have plenty of ideas to inspire you.

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